Offley Parish Council
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TPO/00216 (2024)
Thomas Howe 01462 474249 7 November 2024
Dear Sir / Madam
North Hertfordshire District Council
Tree Preservation Order: TPO/00216 (2024) Land At 30 And 32 To 37 (Inclusive) Garden Fields, And Land Adjacent 37, Garden Fields, Offley, Hertfordshire, SG5 3DF,
North Hertfordshire District Council
THIS IS A FORMAL NOTICE to let you know that on 7 November 2024 the Council made the above tree preservation order.
A copy of the order is attached to this letter. In simple terms, it prohibits anyone from cutting down, topping or lopping any of the trees described in the order without the Council’s consent.
The Council has made the order because it considers the trees makes an important contribution to the visual amenity of the locality. It is therefore concluded expedient in the interests of amenity to make provision for their preservation.
The order took effect, on a provisional basis, on 7 November 2024. It will continue in force on this basis for a further 6 months or until the order is confirmed by the Council, whichever first occurs.
The Council will consider whether the order should be confirmed, that is to say, whether it should take effect formally. Before this decision is made, the people affected by the order have a right to make objections or other representations about any of the trees, groups of trees or woodlands covered by the order.
If you would like to make any objections or other comments, please make sure we receive them in writing by 5 December 2024. Please specify the particular trees in respect of which the objections are made and in the case of an objection please state the reasons for the objection. This is in order for your concerns to comply with Regulation 6 of the Town and Country Planning (Tree Preservation) (England) Regulations 2012. Send your comments to the case officer, whose contact details are given above. All valid objections or representations are carefully considered before a decision on whether to confirm the order is made.
The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government has produced guidance on Tree Preservation Orders and trees in conservation areas which is available to download from GOV.UK
The Council will write to you again when that decision has been made. In the meantime, if you would like any further information or have any questions about this letter, please contact the case officer, whose contact details are given above.
Dated : 7 November 2024