- The Recreation Centre has been established on site since the late 70’s
- The land was originally owned by Offley place and was used as a private cricket field. The use of the field was originally given by Colonel Harrison for the villagers to use for sporting activities. Football was played at the Old Football Field in Luton White Hill also donated by Colonel Harrison
- The Field was not part of the sale when HCC sold Offley House which is now a Country House Hotel and Wedding venue.
- Cricket has been played on site since 1938 and there is a plaque to commemorate the occasion on the pavilion.
- In the late 90’s an extension was built giving the club house another Bar, Office and Meeting room
- The ORC was reformed in 2019 when a new management team took over control.
- In 2009 the ORC was granted a new 25 year lease from NHDC for use of the playing field. The Club house and Cricket Pavilion are both owned by the ORC.
- The following Groups / Clubs are all affiliated to the ORC.
- Eight Junior Teams covering the Seven – Sixteen year olds
- They play on Saturdays and Sundays weather permitting.
- Youth Football Team
- Cricket Club Team Play on Saturdays and Sundays
- Fishing Club Ponds nearby are leased from the estate.
- Tennis Club new in 2017
- Wild Training
- Darts and Dominoes In the club house
- The ORC is a not for profit company and is managed by a committee.